Document Type: Research paper


Economic Cost, Poor Sanitation, Safe Drinking Water


literature, the researcher than sorrow. The author reports the death of his friend  2h.Tolysbaeva and A.Kabylov in their works "The through the following lines. " One star fell from the  subject of modem elite experiments is devoted to blue sky," and " One stream was absorbed by the  different themes: love (A.Jumalieva "Elegy", soil," the following passages say, " The flower is  I .S aparbaev "Elegy", Elhumatuly ,,"Elegy of love"), wrested out too early" thereby conveying to the reader loneliness (T. Eshhenovich "Vivaldi. Elegy of his death. We can notice that it is similar to a Kazakh  season"), meaning of life (E. Rauchanov "not memorial song. Perhaps for this reason, some Elegy"), false world (S. Asanov, "Elegy"), illness researchers attribute memorial songs to the elegy. For  (G.Kairbekov, "elegy of clinic"), memories (I. example, " memorial songs or Elygia" is also called  Saparbayev," elegy about poetry", N.Oraz, "Waiting "voices", and in the tradition of the Kazakh people it  for the dead relatives" ) , and rarely on civic-publicistic is mourning from the day of the death of the person,  (T. Thobayac, "Elegy")" [21]. Let's look at the works when it passes year by year" [23]. However, we have  of poets to fully appreciate the nature of the genre. already seen that elegy is very different from the  The famous writer of modern Kazakh literature lamentable poetry, its subject area is broad and the  Akbergen Yelgezek in his work "sadness is nature of both of them are different  reappeared", where the theme of the lyrical "I" is Temirbai Almas, one of the young poets in the  touched especially pointedly Kazakh literature, "The elegy Kazakh Language" [24]  When sadness grasps my soul, is devoted to today's actual public issue:  I miss you silently The deep secrets of taya from others  with air, melody and song, Listening to every word, sound.  Secretly flying, flying to you, - he is looking for At recess, even waiting for you at school  someone who can support him when he is sad, misses, When children rustle and run. forgives. I miss you and I thirst  I see the song chill, trembling I will love until old age.  Calling for the road wings? Yesterday's happy days would return  Flashing face, talking with another country The sadness in the verse is overwhelming. The With a feeling of pride graceful chest breathing lyrical "I" expresses not the cold of autumn, but the Will there be a day to listen to you, cold of the mood. Since the inner world is cold and In those lands where it smells of the Kazakh gloomy, it is logical that the outside world seems so. people ? In the first line of the poem, "autumn came with its .. Well! ... cold breath," the lyrical "me" as if conveys all its If it is recognized that the lyrical "I" touches on impressions as in the preface to the second verse, the theme of love for his native language, dignity and asking a rhetorical question in "Why are you looking future of its own language, then he indulges in for me in the autumn?" and so the topic becomes more longing, desire and dreams, and shares with his clear. The reader may perceive the sad scene as the sadness. The lyrical "I" is even spoken as a "subject" reason why the mood is gloomy is already clear. in the language, author even speaks to him, shares Poet Serikzat Duysesazi's verse "Night Elegy" - with emotions and hopes. one of the elegy dedicated to love. The titles of sad verses are often associated with I realized that the night and the sadness of the elegy, because the elegy is very closely related to the twins, mood and emption of a person, and often it expresses The morning voice is choking. sadness. For example, it can be seen that elegy Where are you my big -eyed bird frequently uses words like "autumn" and "night". The The peace and comfort of my soul. poet Assel Nazarali in his poem "Autumn Elegy" [25] A new day will come, the night will be scattered says: And the heart is worried before Autumn came breathlessly, Waiting for news from the new day! Why are you looking for me in the fall? So, dear !!! [26] Because of my mother's gloomy eyebrows Although the theme of two poems is one, the It seems cold and the chain of my languor. interior, the inner world, and the "pain" are different. Under the apple park the whole village sleeps, In the last verse it is not difficult to understand that And the dog is hiding there, protects itself. melancholy and anxiety prevail over the grief of the And barks lazily lyrical "I". At the end of the verse you believe that the Forgetting, for sure, about someone. sadness in his heart is dissipating through the lines of Why do people say hello so cold? " dispersing the night the sun rises" and "as if he is Why can't you meet your lover? waiting for news from the new day". It is as if the What happened to this world order? "lightweight"moments here show that sunny days are Where is the time, has autumn stolen it? still ahead. Only on the clock I forgot to look ... Many people ask time on the road ... Conclusion So this world is looking for you. The autumn of our land is sad, Today, the elegy in Kazakh literature is one of the Without you... most important and meaningful genres, which The first line "Autumn came with bated breath" of develops according to nature and grows in various the lyrical "I" is similar to the introduction and in transformations. In the literary studies elegy attracts advance gives us to understand all the colors and life, attention not only with its own peculiarity, but also feelings of this work. On the second line, through the with the history of the development and the process rhetorical question "Why are you looking for me in of transformation. Because where there is life there is the fall?" The topic of this poem is revealed. Since the development, and where there is development there is reason for the gloomy fall and the reason for the change. Thus, it is natural that the elegy develops and "gloomy" feelings is revealed, the reader perceives changes. the following sad pictures with understanding.   


  • Impact of poor water and sanitation on household economy was investigated.
  • Qualitative and quantitative approaches were used to assess the impact of poor water and sanitation on households economy.
  • People have not access to proper sanitation facilities in most of the rural settlements .
  • The diseases ratio was very high because of poor water and sanitation condition.
  • Unawareness of WATSAN related diseases affect adversely on household economy by hospitalization, transportation and medical costs.