Document Type: Research paper


Economic Cost, Poor Sanitation, Safe Drinking Water


The charac ri by numerous transformations in the realization of tendencies of culturology, historical- hermeneutics, interdisciplinarity in continuing scientific spheres social progress, education, technologies of research, integrated,  importance of using the results of pedagogical practice-oriented, project, imitation-role, contextual  innovation in continuing education is emphasized. learning is becoming more and more widespread.  Pedagogical science and its subdisciplines pay The education sector is gradually being transformed  particular attention to studying and using the into a continuously self-developing and complexly  potential of humanistic, democratic and cultural structured system, which ensures the diverse  values in educational practice. The key characteristic development of citizens and appears as a cultural  of educational processes has become the large-scale process. In this regard, the study of the peculiarities  of applying elements of museum pedagogy in 4. The creation and implementation of new educational practice becomes especially important. methods, programmes and expositions for different The appeal of teachers-practitioners to the categories of the population. educational function of museums makes it possible 5. The establishment of optimal forms of to implement the "interdisciplinary revolution", thus interaction with partners for cultural and educational creating favourable conditions for educational, activities. educational, research, project, social and adaptive 6. The use and promotion of new educational activities. technologies.  Defining the main ways of reforming 10 .alic)n at the beginning of our Independence, of  stressed  need scientific works 111 humanistic substantiate  isolation from national sources", and the national orientation of educatio t conceptual provisions on museum studies, historical inseparable soil, its organic combination local lore, literary local lore, monument protection activities. Such scholars as Y. Kl iuchko, M. Nahorskyi, I. Pantelyichuk, M. Vovk analyze the peculiarities of realizing the educational potential of [11]. Although many productive steps have been taken in the implementation of these socially museums. Theoretical and methodological aspects of significant tasks in the political, scientific, museums' functioning are outlined in the works of methodological, organizational, pedagogical, L. Haida, I. Laksii, Yu. Omelchenko, N. Makarov. educational and methodological spheres, several The experience of Ukrainian and foreign practice in the organization of museum work is covered in important cultural and educational issues, insufficient efforts of the state, civil society, scientific research by N. Filipchuk, A. Kheleniuk, V. Kramar, R. Mankovska, K. Smahlii et al. Possible scientific, educational and educational institutions for the education of a nationally conscious and areas and aspects of cooperation between patriotic Ukrainian community have been addressed. educational institutions and museum institutions in the context of solving problems of pedagogical Museum pedagogy is gradually expanding the circle of supporters and practitioners among


  • Impact of poor water and sanitation on household economy was investigated.
  • Qualitative and quantitative approaches were used to assess the impact of poor water and sanitation on households economy.
  • People have not access to proper sanitation facilities in most of the rural settlements .
  • The diseases ratio was very high because of poor water and sanitation condition.
  • Unawareness of WATSAN related diseases affect adversely on household economy by hospitalization, transportation and medical costs.