Document Type: Research paper


Economic Cost, Poor Sanitation, Safe Drinking Water


The advantages of research are the integration of approaches to the definition of these concepts: ''culture" is a set of all the goods created by man, the development of creative forces and abilities of the individual, a set of all material and spiritual values; a certain way of organization and development; legal culture - a set of spiritual and material values, all the benefits created by man, in contrast to natural, components of social life, a certain level of development of society, creative forces, abilities and human activities, the manifestation of various spheres of social life. Shortcomings in the study of these concepts: insufficient attention is paid to the essence of these categories, not all of their manifestations are in the field of view of scientists. It is proved that legal culture is a part of culture, includes spiritual and material values that belong to the sphere of the surrounding reality; it characterizes the quality of life of society, which is expressed in the level of development of legal activities, legal acts, legal awareness and in general in the level of legal development of the subject (person, various groups, society as a whole), as well as the degree of state and civil society freedoms and human rights. It is established that despite the differences in the views of researchers on the meaning of "culture", "legal culture", there is a single theoretical and methodological platform that combines different approaches: the recognition of the direct connection of culture with legal culture. D 2020 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci. culture, legal culture, spiritual and material values, human activity, social life, consciousness, socio-cultural environment. The democratic transformations taking place in and activities of people in various spheres of life. society, the difficult processes associated with the Most of the problems of our society, which we face formation of the rule of law, with the implementation in the transition to a market economy, are related to of judicial and administrative reforms, have marked the need to improve the legal culture in general. one of the most serious problems of modern society - The purpose of the article is to form the legal the extremely low level of legal culture of citizens. culture of the population, it is necessary to understand As an integral part of culture, legal culture directly the essence of legal culture, which cannot be done and indirectly affects the formation of consciousness   without disclosing the ontology of this concept and its cognate words "humanus", "civilized", i.e. one who  connection with the concept of "culture". has the skills of group life, rude, softened (civilis).  Analysis of recent publications: Attempts to However, they have not yet drawn the line between  reveal the concept of "culture'', "legal culture were culture and civilization, which will happen much  made by scientists V. Bataikin (2006), T. Bachynsky later, they have invested in both concepts about the (2011) [3], I. Voronova (2007) [5], A. Gavrilyuk same meaning [30]. (2013) [6], L. Gorbunova (2010) [11], L. Kasinyuk For a long time, as studied by P. Musinov (2000)  (2013) [13], G. Klimova (2013) [14], S. Kruk (2012) [21], the study of culture was reduced to  [16], S. Kutsepal (2013) [17],V .Lysogor (2009) [18], understanding it as a purely spiritual phenomenon  0. Makeeva (2013) [19], E. Moroz (2016) [20], N. that expresses the degree of development of a  Onishchenko (2015) [23], D. Prima (2012) [24], T. reasonable beginning of progressive historical  Chepulchenko (2013) [29] and others. development, embodied in religion, science, art, law  The analysis of their works showed that despite and morality, as subjectivation of Mind.  the large number of interpretations of the concept of Modern research provides a fairly comprehensive  culture, there are common basic positions: first, the analysis of the evolution of the concept of "culture" main source of culture - human labor; secondly, depending on the specific aspect of its interpretation.  culture includes ways and results of human activity; According to N. Godun (2015) [8], the category  thirdly, the essence of culture is humanistic, human- "culture" acquires special significance for a specific  creating, which combines the universal values of each study, with the help of which a multifaceted,  person who acts as its product. The concept of multifunctional and, accordingly, rather complex  "culture", in whatever context it is used, is always phenomenon is defined in science.  historically, scientifically and socially determined. In modern sociology, jurisprudence, philosophy  Reflects the era in which man lives and works, P. Andrushko (2004), 0. Bandura (2000) [1], V.  reflects both the achievements of science and the best Busel (2004) [4], N. Godun (2015), V. Goncharenko  examples of socio-cultural environment and human (2004) [10], P. Musinov (2000) [21], E. Ras solova life. (2014) [25], etc., culture is considered as a degree of  Scholars argue that legal culture does not coincide development of progressive moral values and  with any type of culture, it occupies a separate place mastering the practical skills of their implementation;  in the socio-cultural space, creates a unique, unique as a set of material and spiritual values and a specific  combination of material, ideal and spiritual way of human activity; as a way of activity, a system  components. Legal culture cannot have a history of internally developed mechanisms, through which  other than the formation and development of culture the activity of the individual in society is programmed  as a whole, due to the fact that it forms an independent and stimulated, etc.  direction of culture, being one of its most important The analysis of the definitions of culture existing  structural elements. Legal culture is a unique in the scientific literature allowed L. Nikolaeva  phenomenon. This is indicated, first of all, by its (2005) [22] to unite them into four groups, reflecting  belonging to two spheres at once: law and culture. a certain specificity in understanding its social role,  character and content. The first group consists of  Materials and Methods definitions in which culture is considered as a set of  The Latin (Indo-European) word "culture" originated constituent subject characteristics. The second group  from the designation - cultivation of the land (cultus focuses on the properties of culture to produce,  agri, agriculture) and therefore has a labor basis. Then distribute and use spiritual values. In this group the  the meaning of the word "culture" acquired a broader main factor is human social activity. The third,  meaning: from agricu lture, or cultivation (cultivation) technological group of definitions, explains culture as  of land, to education, education, development, a system of ways and means, techniques, procedures  respect. Ancient thinkers associated culture with the and norms of human activity. The fourth group focuses primarily on the socio-historical aspect.  However, this classification, in our opinion, is forces and abilities of man, expressed in the types and debatable, because the uniqueness of culture forms of organization of life and activity of people, inevitably creates cognitive difficulties. It should be their relationships and material and spiritual values. recognized that not all issues of content, structure and Culture in education acts as a leading semantic practical role of culture have received a fairly deep component, a source of knowledge about nature, and comprehensive consideration. Many of them society, methods of activity, emotional, volitional and continue to be controversial. value attitude of man to others, work, This is due to the complexity of culture, which is communication. present in almost all phenomena of society , mediates It seems that this approach is quite legitimate. them, but has no independent objectivity [22]. Culture is thus a synthetic characteristic of human  development, with the subject of the historical Results and Discussion process at the center of the study. However, in our Therefore, we will consider only the basic approaches opinion, such a view of culture does not fully to defining culture, necessary to establish a


  • Impact of poor water and sanitation on household economy was investigated.
  • Qualitative and quantitative approaches were used to assess the impact of poor water and sanitation on households economy.
  • People have not access to proper sanitation facilities in most of the rural settlements .
  • The diseases ratio was very high because of poor water and sanitation condition.
  • Unawareness of WATSAN related diseases affect adversely on household economy by hospitalization, transportation and medical costs.