Central Asian Journal of Environmental Science and Technology Innovation (CAJESTI) is a double blind peer reviewed electronic and print quarterly publication concerned with all aspects of environmental science and Technology Innovation. CAJESTI publishes original research papers, review papers, case reports and short communications across the broad field of environment. The Journal database is fully open access and full text of published articles are available for everyone who can get access to the Journal website free of cost. The authors never pay any charges for submission, article processing and publication.
Articles submitted to CAJESTI are usually sent out to peer reviewers, although submissions that are out of scope for the journal or are of an unacceptably low standard may be rejected without review. Potentially suitable manuscripts will generally be reviewed by at least two experts in the field with the aim of reaching a first decision as soon as possible.
The traditional citation is used to citation tracking of articles. The citation of articles is in the form of: Authors, (Year). Title. Journal name. volume number (issue number), page number range. For example:
Nouri, J.; Mansouri, N.; Abbaspour, M.; Karbasi, A.R.; Omidvari, M., (2011). Designing a developed model for assessing the disaster induced vulnerability value in educational centers. Safety Sci. 49 (5): 679-685.
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