Document Type: Research paper


Economic Cost, Poor Sanitation, Safe Drinking Water


hierarchy contribute to the study of the subject area of legal with legal culture. We were guided by the position culture (succession in law, the state of law, etc.). that if one or another interpretation of culture cannot The concept of "culture in a civil izational- be used for a comprehensive interpretation of legal subjective approach is used to describe certain culture, it does not reflect the general in legal culture, historical epochs (ancient culture), specific societies, but is an expression of only one side of a variety of nationalities, nations (Mayan culture), as well as understanding of culture. specific forms of activity and life (artistic culture, There are several approaches to understanding the culture of life, work); in a broader sense - the sphere concept of culture, among which the most interesting of spiritual life of people. are the civilization-subjective, personal-creative, Thus, culture is a set of socially acquired and axiological, activity. transmitted from generation to generation significant The first approach (civilizational-subjective) is symbols, ideas, values, customs, denominations, related to the interpretation of culture as everything traditions, norms, rules of conduct by which people created by man, as opposed to what is given by nature, organize their lives. including in the course of historical processes. The second approach - personal-creative explains In this approach, the definition of culture is culture through the development of specific human associated with the degree of development, spiritual abilities and needs in the creative process. perfection of the subject (person, social group, It is conscious, culturally conditioned creative society). activity, transforming the surrounding reality, A positive aspect of this approach A. Shaidurov objectifies the essential forces of the individual, his (2001) believes that it allows a broad analysis of all mind and actions, and the resulting objects acquire a social phenomena and processes, without which it is certain value-semantic content [21]. impossible to properly understand the culture. Culture, according to S. Rudykh (2002), is a The definition of the term "culture" was of interest natural manifestation of the creative principle in the to 0. Sokolova (2011) [27], first of all, because the human personality, the disclosure of its capabilities, included norms, traditions, rules of conduct, values social significance, the synthesis of its abilities and emphasize the artificial sphere of existence and self- functions. realization created by people, are a source of 0. Sokolova (2011) claims that creativity is regulation of social interaction and behavior. such a possible only in culture: creativity and culture are kind of cultural phenomenon as legal culture. inextricably linked. The category "culture" denotes As a generalization, 0 . Sokolova (2011) proposes the artificial sphere of existence and self-realization to rely on such a definition of culture as a historically created by people, the source of regulation and social certain level of development of society, creative interaction and behavior.   Noting the personal-creative approach to to the conclusion that culturally developed  understanding culture, P. Mu sinov (2000) [21] argues personality is characterized by the development of its  that culture is a creative human activity, both fixed, activities. Not activities in general, but certain types  objectified in cultural values, and based on the of it. And depending on which of them dominates the  objectification of these values, that is, transforms the individual, we can conclude about the direction of its  richness of human history into the inner richness of culture. the individual. embodied in the universal Culture - a specific way of organizing and  development, processing of reality and man himself. developing human activity, represented in the  According to this approach, culture is not only the products of material and spiritual labor in the system  result of activity, but also the activity itself, its of social norms and guidelines, in the set of relations  creative nature, which contributes to the development to nature, among themselves and to themselves [32].  of the spiritual potential of the individual, his According to the methodological understanding  relationship with reality. This approach opens wide of the essence of human existence as a sensory-  opportunities for the formation of a creative practical activity, culture, according to S. Rudykh  personality, the interaction of culture and man, the (2002) [26] is a sphere of social life, acts as a subject,  development of individual style of professional means and result of personality, and "field" of culture activity. - a specific sphere of human life in which it acts as a  The third approach is to highlight the subject side creator and assimilator of values.  of culture, which is considered as a set of all "material The concepts of human activity and culture are  and spiritual values


  • Impact of poor water and sanitation on household economy was investigated.
  • Qualitative and quantitative approaches were used to assess the impact of poor water and sanitation on households economy.
  • People have not access to proper sanitation facilities in most of the rural settlements .
  • The diseases ratio was very high because of poor water and sanitation condition.
  • Unawareness of WATSAN related diseases affect adversely on household economy by hospitalization, transportation and medical costs.