Document Type: Research paper


Economic Cost, Poor Sanitation, Safe Drinking Water


The summary of the general development history and the selection of scientists' thoughts are conducted. The characteristics of the elegy development in domestic literature is analyzed. The characterization of the content and genre peculiarities of compositions of modern poets of the given genre is described. C 2020 Bull. Georg. Nail. Acid. Sci. lyrics, genre, Elegy, lyric hero, theme. It is a fact that there is certainty in the genre, according to which they are subdivided into species, whether in thematic or literary lyrical works. It is true that we can not separate one species from another by a certain "boundary". However, we can sort it by conditional formatting. Elegy is also one of the most famous genres of lyricism. Despite the fact that the development of the elegy in Kazakh literature took place later, today it [1]. has a peculiar direction of development. It is well- Galym K.Zhumaliyev says "Elegy refers to the known that the developed lyricism is an "aristocratic" writings describing the sadness of life, the beginnings genre, with various changes. In the literary science, it of love, nature, etc. In elegy descriptions of the mood alwg attracted the attention of researchers. are often expressed" [2], the scientist Z.Kabdolov notes,"ft is the composition mixed by mystery and pain" [3].  Elegy as a literary term If we look at the history of the development of the elegy, we can see that it originates from ancient times. According to the Russian scientist I .V . Volkov ,, In the seventh century, he notes that in ancient Greek poetry he appeared in foreign literature as a two-dimensional form of lyricism that inspired warriors to fight for the Motherland [4]. The researcher Joseph Ighes states that ancient Greeks had different forms of elegy (political, philosophical, sad, etc.), and that they were formally same, but in the Romans they were formally free [5]. In the antique Roman poetry we can see that elegy was among the lyrics of love. His comment on the  Encyclopedia of the Kazakh Literature is also The history of the genre  clarified: "Later, only musical pieces in the form of  mixed lyric singing were called elegia. In the era of As you can see, elegia is found in many countries'  rebirth, elegy began to spread in European music and literature. Despite the fact that he was originated long literature. In the 17th century, Elegy became a time ago, writing and studying elegia still haven't  personal musical genre. In the 18th and 19th stopped. The proof of this can be attested to by  centuries, folk songs in the music of elegy have research in every country.  created vocal songs that reflect the mood of those who For example, in 1971 by the author of Knapp, are fille ith love and loneliness" [6]. Wm. Bruce was published in the work "Bibliography The of the OM English Elegies" [8 8 in 1984, Velzen, Antoon Van published the work11 [91. 2008 at Lund University Ma lena 45hrrnan defended her doctoral thesis on [10], where she . Similar studies were


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