Document Type: Research paper


Economic Cost, Poor Sanitation, Safe Drinking Water


The concepts of "information", "information society" are analyzed, the introduction of electronic government into the state and public sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan is substantiated. l 2020 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci information technology, ICT, information, e-government, civil society.  One of the dominants of the modern developmental, spread contributed to the fact that in the first half of  states and society as a whole is the increasing role.— the 1990s the govern ment s of the developed col L es  (ICT), of the world have adopted national programs which a significant the state the basis of  system and the development of its institutions. scientific research in information and communication  Businesses and firms, for which efficient operation technologies is more generalized theories, which  and customer satisfaction are the main significant explored the very concept of the information society  aspects of competitiveness, have long recognized the and the new role of the state in this society. In the  great importance of information and communication works of D. Bell, M. Castells, F. Webster, E. Toffler  technologies in today's competitive environment. and a number of other scientists to reveal the  State organizations came to this understanding much foundations of the theory of the information society,  later, but it is worth noting that today the following is besides, the conditions of its appearance and the new vious - in the absence of a full-scale meaning of political institutions in such an  information society are studied in detail [2; 3; 4].  activities the state in the The introduction of relevant ICTs into the work of  information society will not meet the requirements of public authorities is one of the ways to major  society [1]. improvements in the social policy system. The main  The comprehensive nature III potential for in sing the efficiency of public  speed administration is Y primarily   effective is being  Oppublic sector through the introduction of new  formed. introduction I ICT sphere I public government commission for the 10 inistration is primarily associated with the plementation of Internet technologies in the  , or "e-government". authorities concept "electronic government" arose in coordinating body. This body was establis h  Russian through a literal translation of the English the aim of ensuring coordinated actions of  word "electronic government", in other words, "e- and the  government". For the first time, they began to talk on the  about "electronic government" in the overseas USA development and  in the early 90s of XX century, when Bill Clinton was development and use • Internet  at the helm of the country , it was he who gave special technologies in public administration, including on  importance to the progress of the Internet and the the formation of an information society and electronic  development of information technologies. Since government.  1999, touching on the topic of "e-government" has Thanks to the introduction of modern information  become a regular feature in major US newspapers. technologies, we can already talk about the integrity  However, there is no generally accepted scientific of the information sphere, which is developing in  definition of the term "electronic government" today. accordance with the development of society.  Researchers consider this term from different angles, The information sphere: political, economic and  putting forward economic, technical, applied and social - is, first of all, a means of implementing state descriptive interpretations. policy. The openness of the state


  • Impact of poor water and sanitation on household economy was investigated.
  • Qualitative and quantitative approaches were used to assess the impact of poor water and sanitation on households economy.
  • People have not access to proper sanitation facilities in most of the rural settlements .
  • The diseases ratio was very high because of poor water and sanitation condition.
  • Unawareness of WATSAN related diseases affect adversely on household economy by hospitalization, transportation and medical costs.