Document Type: Research paper


Economic Cost, Poor Sanitation, Safe Drinking Water


The practical unpreparedness of university graduates for musical educational work with modern schoolchildren, the lack of special musical training of future music teachers, the lack of theoretical developments in key categories of art pedagogy, such as "artistic empathy music teachers", "style culture of performance of musical works", "artistic and performing self-efficacy of the individual ".The purpose of the work is to determine the personal qualities of a music teacher that contribute to the effectiveness of his artistic and educational activities in modern conditions, the theoretical development of the essence, content and component structure of the categories "artistic empathy", "style culture of performing musical works", "artistic and performing self-efficacy of the individual". Using the methods of questioning, testing, pedagogical observation and analysis of lessons in the system of arts faculties of pedagogical universities of Ukraine, as well as statistical processing of the materials obtained, the state of modern practice of professional training of future musicians is characterized. Using the methods of scientific forecasting, theoretical analysis, structuring, systematization and generalization, the essence, content and structure of the most important professional and personal qualities necessary for a modern music teacher - artistic empathy, style culture of performing musical compositions, artistic and performing self-efficacy are revealed. As a result of the study, it is argued that these qualities are among the dominant professional and personal qualities of a modern music teacher. In contrast to the methods of isolated musical education of students that have now found wide distribution, regardless of the needs of their future professional pedagogical activity, without taking into account the real circumstances of modern practice of musical educational work, the article confirms the prospects for the formation of these professional and personal qualities precisely in the process of special musical training of students. In addition, the need to strengthen the pedagogical orientation of teaching musical performance disciplines is emphasized. The materials of the article can find practical application in writing methodological and teaching aids, pedagogical recommendations, in developing curricula and training programs for future teachers of the art cycle of subjects, and contribute to the modernization of teaching special disciplines in higher education. 0 2020 Bull. Georg. Natl. Arad. Sri. Teacher, Professional Skill, Artistic Empathy, Style Culture, Performing Self-Efficacy.   The new requirements for the level of professional therapy methods in music teaching [20; 24];  training of a music teacher arc due to the growing problems of introducing the polyartistic orientation  humanistic role that he is called upon to play in of musical education [22]. General theoretical  modem conditions of the erosion of the aesthetic questions, such as the pedagogical potential of the  value guidelines of student youth. One of the educational environment [15], axiological aspects of  drawbacks of training musical pedagogical education [3], the structuring of concepts [7; 12; 17;  personnel in modern higher education is the isolation 19] are also reflected in the modern scientific and  of the special musical training of future music methodological literature. However, when  teachers from the needs of their future practical considering the results of these studies, it was found  professional activities, not enough attention is


  • Impact of poor water and sanitation on household economy was investigated.
  • Qualitative and quantitative approaches were used to assess the impact of poor water and sanitation on households economy.
  • People have not access to proper sanitation facilities in most of the rural settlements .
  • The diseases ratio was very high because of poor water and sanitation condition.
  • Unawareness of WATSAN related diseases affect adversely on household economy by hospitalization, transportation and medical costs.